Sexological Bodyworkers are guides in learning sexual arousal management, the foundation of good sex.

ACSB Ethical Grievance Process


The ACSB grievance process is based on the following principles:
* Emphasis on fair and fast resolution.
* A resolution process that is supportive of all parties involved.
* Proportionate response.

When the ACSB officers receive a complaint about the conduct of a CSB, the Grievance Procedure starts with the option of an informal resolution through mediation. If mediation is successful, the complainant and the CSB sign an agreement, detailing the resolution.

If the complaint cannot be solved through mediation, the ACSB officers convene a Complaints Committee of three experienced CSBs, representing the diversity of the profession.

The complainant and the accused CSB are invited to submit written statements and speak by phone or Skype with the Committee. Phone calls will be recorded. The Committee may request further information during the review of the written materials and the phone calls. The Complaints Committee then decides if sanctions should be imposed upon the CSB and informs the CSB in writing.

Possible decisions of the Complaints Committee:
* The Complaints Committee finds the complaint not credible.
* CSB apologizes to the complainant, acknowledging errors in judgment.
* The Complaints Committee requests that the practitioner submits a written report to the panel within a certain time period outlining what they have learned from this experience.
* The Complaints Committee requires additional training or supervision for a specific period of time.
* The Complaints Committee suspends the CSB from the ACSB for a period of time.

The CSB can appeal against a sanction if they feel it is too severe, or if they believe there has been some error in the conduct of the proceedings. An appeal follows the same procedures as the original complaints process.

One member of the Complaints Committee monitors the sanctions imposed on the CSB. If a CSB does not comply with the decisions of the Complaints Committee, the CSB’s membership can be revoked for a longer period of time or permanently.

The ACSB thanks ASIS – Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexology for allowing us to use portions of their Complaints Procedure in this document.